What is the Internet?

Makenna Santinga
1 min readSep 11, 2020

The internet is a place where people have access to pretty much any and every bit of information in the world. For something that seems so easy to navigate, the world inside it is huge. Personally I feel that the internet isn’t specifically one thing. Everyone has their own perception of what it is and how it makes an impact on them. For some, it may be a large part of their life, while for others — they might not even use it! What is not the internet? Anything live and real is not the internet. The outdoors isn’t, personality isn’t, people, pets, faith isn’t. When you think about it, yes all of these things can be described and pictured on the internet, but those things are not the internet. The internet is becoming a place where people gain knowledge, express themselves, and hide while doing so. In some ways I do love that you can hide behind it, and in other ways that is the very reason it scares me the most. I use the internet every day, however if I could use it less and less, I would.

